
Toronto Zombie Walk 2011

IMG_3412_zw...some of the walking undead today...even undead babies were presentIMG_3316_zwIMG_3318_zwIMG_3320_zw

Zombie Walk 2011, a set on Flickr.

It took me about a week to finally recover my strength after a gut-wrenching encounter with a mob of the undead. It is just in time for Halloween to share the evidence of the number of brain-hungry Torontonians to everyone. It did not rain this time like last year and, as always, the route has been changed to involve a part of Chinatown. The growling walkers have doubled and younger gray matter-hungry ones have surfaced, even infants. It is not easy to keep myself from retching but the stench of this yearly brush with the zombies is something I will always look forward to.


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