
Toronto Dyke March

I just finished uploading the last batch of pics for last weekend's Pride celebrations. It took me a week to sort everything out and do some basic postprocessing. Sometimes I wish I'm doing this full time, instead of my day job. But then again, the day job pays the bills, so I can't complain, at least for now.

This particular SET was taken last Saturday, June 28. I've never actually attended the Dyke March since I moved here in Toronto so it's something new to me, plus the blaring boobies were a little too much to handle. Weather forecast was not so good for that day, but, fortunately, not a drop of sky juice trickled to dampen the excited crowd and marchers. The organizers probably were too concerned about the no-show precipitation that the whole march was actually done in about 40 minutes or less. Barricades were not completely set-up so it's pretty much a free-for-all, feel like a paparazzi, and a crazy click-happy day for everyone. 'Twas generally fun but I found it too quick; almost like sniffing old poppers at a friend's house party.

[Image also appears on NowPublic]

Click HERE for the complete Dyke March gallery.


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