

Originally uploaded by shutternewbie 

A pile of cock cages (not the ones you can buy in sex shops) greeted me as I turned on the tube a few nights ago and caught on the local news broadcast. They were presumably used to keep black-feathered gladiators before a tournament.

Yes, apparently cockfighting has been going on in rural Ontario. I was not at all surprised of these activities as I grew up where such cruelty is considered a sport, and, in fact, part of the tradition. There are even cock derbies advertised everywhere back in the P.I. I wasn't even surprised that some "kababayans" were part of it. What I was more surprised about is the fact that the people behind the proliferation of an illegal assembly have only been busted now, after probably so many years of doping on chicken carnage. If such obvious unacceptable meetings can go on for so long without ever getting noticed, how else would more proliferative form of illegal gambling be stopped around here?

The most disturbing part of the news is that after seizing the live cocks from the barn, the authorities had them "euthanized." Now, that doesn't sound so far-off from the death sentence of the cockpit. Anyone care for some KFC?

To read more on this, CLICK HERE.


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